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House details
Casa Cento |
Town: Sarnano
Price: 95.000€
sqm: 200
Rooms: 12
Reference number: N1543
Property name: Casa Cento
Location: In country (out-skirts)
Town/City: Zone: Maceratese
Position: Quiet and panoramic position
Short description: Very old house (1789)in brick with land
Nearest Towns: Macerata at 22 km and village at 0,5 km
Land: 500 sq. m.
Property size (m2): Two floor (about 100 sq. m.) more out-building
Access (type of road): Private road
Parking: Ample space around house
Condition: No habitable house, to be restructured
Construction: Old bricks and stone and beams in wood
Utilities: Mains water, electricity, etc.
Out-building: Yes, attached and nearest
Bedrooms: -
Bathrooms: -
Reception rooms: -
Sleeping capacity:
Total rooms: 9
Price: (about £ 75,000 british pound)
Most visited
Casa Mia suggest:
| Agrit. Lap Onio | | Lapedona | N..D.€ | | | |